Thursday, November 6, 2008

no such luck

9:07 am- Maya is awake and screaming....

It is going to be a very long day.


  1. You poor thing. I feel bad for you. I would come over but I have sick kids.

  2. Alisa, what a long exhausting night. Is there anyone you can call to come over just so you can nap? I am so sorry.

  3. One of the nicest things I've received as a mother is a thank you on Mother's Day from my children's pediatrician. He & his staff had put together a thank you card for the moms of all the kids he sees, written from the point of our tiny ones. It mentioned all the sleepless nights and long, hard days. It was touching & reminds me of something I read in an article in a book on the Proclamation on the Family that Teralee gave us for a wedding gift. In it it says to try, although it is difficult at times, to remember that every poopy diaper, every peanut butter & jelly sandwich, every bath, every minute spent helping with homework and soccer practice, etc. Every moment spent being a parent is a moment spent raising God's children and molding them for their eternal reward and in doing so we reap eternal rewards too.
    Today may be a long way from eternity covered in poop and reeling with crying little voices but you can do it. You are a super mom even when you might not feel like it!!! The kids may not know how to say thank you yet but one day they will and they will know you did all you could for them every moment of every day. You are amazing :)

  4. hang in there, alisa. i hope lonnie's not gone too long.

  5. Man oh man :-)! I hope things have gotten better and you got an afternoon nap! Just watch the video of them being happy together to help you remember that you really do love them and they aren't like this all the time :-).

  6. Sounds like post-election blues. You must have some mini-republicans on your hands!
    Lets set up a date to switch.

  7. And yet you sounded so chipper on the phone. How DO you do it, Alisa?! I hope I can grow up to be just like you.
