As far as I understand from the science books, bringing children into the world usually involves just two people.
Adoption, on the other hand,
involves two people, plus a million other connections that have to fall into place in order to bring the child into the home.
Our hope is that someone, will know someone, who might know someone, who is hoping just as hard as we are to find the connection that will be right and good to form an extended family of birth-parents, children, and adopted parents.
Luckily, Lonnie and I both know a lot of people. And the people we know also know a lot of people. Plus, we live in the age of social networking. If Lonnie and I were find each other, why not find our family through a wide network of people.
We also hope to meet many more people. So as a first step we have created this blog.
We will also sign up with an adoption agency. We are working on that this month. But even with an adoption agency the timing of adoption can be quite lengthy and foster care is only temporary. We want to do whatever possible to help increase our chances of finding the children that are looking for us.
We haven't sent out our blog link to many people yet....a couple family members and close friends. Some of those people have sent it on to others. I've been hesitant to send it out to many people who will only look at it once and then forget about it.
So suddenly
we are dependent upon the graces of kind people who we know, as well as many we don't yet know, to find our children, upon whom we can spread all our love, patience,
tolerance, and parenting affection. Feel free to spread the love.