We are sick...all of us. The babies started getting congested a couple of days ago. Lonnie and I had a very long night on Saturday as we took turns taking care of our poor little snotty nosed kids We decided to stayed home from church on Sunday because of their coughing and
whining. We actually had a nice relaxing day taking care of the sick babies.
Then very late Sunday night I started to feel rumblings in my tummy. I thought about getting out of bed and getting some antacids but I was too tired to do anything about it. Soon enough I was out of bed and
worshiping the
porcelain god. Monday the kids came down with the stomach flu too. We heard from other friends that we had seen in the past few days that they also were sick with the stomach flu.
As of this morning all four of us have had this terrible stomach flu and Lonnie and the babies are congested. Thankfully Lonnie and I were able to somewhat
stagger our illness, my worst day was Monday and his has been today. Hopefully we are all on the tail end of a rough 24 hour flu. The babies have been great sports about the whole ordeal. They seem quite happy most of the time but their poor little runny noses and upset tummies along with worn out mom and dad make us into quite the sorry looking bunch.

Maya has had a hard time going down for naps. I have had to carry her in a sling to rock her to sleep. Here she is passed out on her bed, still wrapped up in the sling.

On a much happier note.... My dear friend Jessie was in town visiting her sister for Thanksgiving and she was kind (and brave) enough to come and spend a couple hours at out house. Jessie is a sweet city woman, now living in Palo Alto. She and I lived in the Laird House with two other great women in Salt Lake before Lonnie and I meet. Jessie taught me what real wind is, how to see art in everyday life and about
Billy Collins, among other things. She brought love, tenderness and macroons into our home. Thanks for being a wonderful friend Jess!