I'm still behind on our blogging, but I wanted to share these photos I took of Trent the other day...
Trent is such a happy, wiggly and chubby baby. He is so strong that he almost jumps out of my arms in an effort to be involved anything that his brother and sister are doing. He has gotten very good at sitting up which thankfully slowed his desire to crawl, but he still managed to get half way across the family room this morning.
He still isn't sleeping through the night consistently which is hard on me (and in turn on Lonnie and the kids too). Thankfully I do manage to get all three kids down for a nap at the same time most days, which helps me get through the day. When I am overwhelmed and tired all I really need to do to get by is pick up this beautiful boy, let him grab my face and cover me with his slobbery kisses, and remember that the time will pass much too quickly.