My sweet, happy, and well rested girl.
I was so happy that she decided to nap again today. The last week and a half had been pretty tough. Maya has been quite fussy and not napping well. I'm not sure which started first, the not napping or the fussiness, but they feed on each other and made our sweet baby into quite the grump. We thought the root of the problem might be teething but still no teeth have appeared.
Here's a few things I tried differently today.
1. Let the babies sleep together again. They took all their naps in the same bed.
2. I snuggled the babies and had some more quiet time than normal before putting them down for naps.
3. I tried hard not to stress too much (when I stress, the babies helped that I went to bed at 9pm last night so I was well rested today).
4. We fed the babies a different brand of formula than we had been giving them for the last week or so (they get one bottle a day, just before going to sleep).
Maybe the changes helped. Maybe they just took it easy on me for one day. Who knows....
Just in case I am starting to get over confident, Maya also gave me a warning glare to let me know that she is still in charge.