Monday, February 16, 2009

sometimes we like to wrestle


  1. I LOVE these pictures! Although Max in his little mini suit is pretty hard to beat :-)!

  2. Oh, no fair, Maya bites!! (or at least it looks like it.) Max's first suit! Really cute.

  3. It seems like a good idea at the time but then...the screaming begins. Wrestling becomes the no. one way to resolve all conflicts and your six year old has to make a run for it from your two year old who likes to kick shins.

  4. I love the top picture showing the tops of their heads. Max will have to enjoy his hair, since he might not have it his whole life (unless he's like his daddy, and not like his Mercer uncles?! lol). Maya doesn't have lots of locks yet, but she's got beautiful eyelashes! And I love her little red dress.
    I'm still amazed that out of 20 Mercer grandchildren, your twins are the first and only ones with red hair! I guess you've got the right genetic combination, Lonnie & Alisa? Well of course you do, you're 2 for 2! I'm glad someone finally figured out?!
    Aunt Lisa

  5. It's always fun & games until somebody gets hurt! Cute pictures & good taste in bedding, we have the same, yeah IKEA!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your twins are adorable. OH my goodness-they are so cute. I am so glad you found me and now I can watch these two grow.
