Sunday, December 4, 2011


I finally admit my failure to blog due to lack of photos and Lonnie found a way to download pictures off our new camera.  Thank you Lonnie!  the new camera isn't as fancy as the one recently damaged by bubbles, but at least we are still documenting our lives, which will shortly be posted, because if it isn't blogged it didn't happen.  Not downloading photos for over a month and then looking back has made me realize that we have been quite busy, even with a small baby.  We go on a lot of adventures.  I'm not sure how much of it Max and Maya will remember when they are older, but at least we will have the documentation to prove it.  
Even when we are taking it easy we still spend three days a week at Playcentre.   This photo is just a glimpse of the facilities.  
And this is the view from our Playcentre....pretty freaking amazing.  

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